Our History
MoNetwork was founded in 2015 as a grassroots harm reduction organization. We offered a syringe service program, naloxone, education, and family support. In 2018, MoNetwork received funding through the SOR grant to operate as a recovery community center. We were then able to hire staff and open our office on a full time basis. Since then, we have continued to grow and offer more services. MoNetwork is a leader in harm reduction efforts in Missouri and is leading the way as a harm reduction based peer led recovery community center.
4022 S Broadway St
Saint Louis, MO 63118
(844) 732-3587
Non-Discrimination Policy:
No one will be denied admission to any of the programs of The MoNetwork Outreach Center because of race, color, religion, gender/gender identity, national origin, disability, age (except as prescribed by our state licensure) or sexual orientation.
It is also the policy of MoNetwork to provide equal employment opportunity to all people without regard to political or religious affiliations, race, color, national origin, gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, age or other non-merit factor.